Top Soft Skills For Resume | Top Soft Skills For Resume [With Example]

Top Soft Skills for Your Resume

Having a strong base of soft skills is important for building one’s career because the requirements for professions are changing constantly. Whether you are a fresh graduate aiming for your first corporate job or a professional wanting to move up in your career ladder, soft skills play as much importance as the hard skills. Managers appreciate these attributes because they show how compliant you are, how you approach obstacles, and how effectively you add to the company.

In this article, let us understand the top soft skills for resume for 2024 and get to know more than 90 skills that you can add to your resume. We will also explore how these skills are applicable in different fields, as well as provide advice on how to effectively demonstrate them to potential employers.

Read More :- How To Write Resume Skills Section

What Are Soft Skills And Why Are They Important At Workplace?

Soft skills are people skills and professional traits that determine how an employee conducts themselves and performs their tasks. As opposed to tangible and specific technical competencies, soft skills are transferable in any given occupation. They consist of values such as communication, collaboration, flexibility, and critical thinking that are vital in establishing and maintaining relationship in any organization.

For instance, while a software developer may require knowledge of programming languages, which are considered as a hard skill, they may also require communication and time management skills to work in a team and deliver the project on time respectively which are measures of soft skills. Acquiring both technical and behavioral competencies ensures that an employee is marketable to employers.

Soft skills are important since they influence interpersonal relationships, problem-solving, and coping with change. In fact, many employers give preference to soft skills over formal education, which is more important to tell how one is going to fit into the company and work for its sustainability.

For instance, where two candidates are equally qualified in terms of technical competencies, the one who possesses better soft skills is likely to be hired. This is because soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability are vital to ensuring that workplaces are healthy and goals are met.

Difference Between Soft Skills And Hard Skills

Before we explore the good soft skills for resume for 2024, lets understand the differences between soft skills and hard skills.

  • Hard Skills: These are concrete, finite skills which can be assessed and parameterized. Examples include fluency in a foreign language, knowledge of a certain software, or skills in operating certain equipment. Hard skills can be obtained through prior learning, skill development, or working experience.
  • Soft Skills: These are more on how you relate to people and how you conduct yourself in your work. These cannot be quantified but are crucial in performing any work. Soft skills are interpersonal and communication skills that are mastered over certain periods of time and through certain life experiences.

While both are significant sets of skills, soft skills are what will determine your success or failure in a given line of work.

Click Here :- Top Hard Skills For Resume

Essential Soft Skills To Have In 2024

Here are some of the most relevant soft skills for 2024 and how to put them on your resume.

1. Communication

Communication refers to the process of passing information, ideas, and knowledge from one person or group to another. This skill entails oral and written expression and comprehension, as well as listening.


  • Delivered project progress reports to a group of 15 people.
  • Prepared accurate and coherent reports that formed the basis for executive decisions.
  • Took time to listen to what clients were saying and then gave relevant responses.

2. Teamwork

Teamwork entails collaboration with other people in order to accomplish a given mission. It demands teamwork, delegation and backing up of colleagues.


  • Worked with a group and successfully finished a project before the set time.
  • Helped the new members of the team to identify what was expected of them.
  • Engaged active team meetings to review fixes and share info on accomplishments and issues met.

3. Problem-Solving

It is a skill of recognizing conflicts or challenges, evaluating potential options, and finding the most effective one. This skill is critical for breaking through barriers and optimizing functions.


  • Searched for an inefficiency in the process and implemented a change that improved efficiency by 20%.
  • Addressed such concerns from the customers by ensuring proper and efficient complaint resolution.
  • Applied analysis to enhance the quality of the final output.

4. Time Management

Time management entails doing a schedule on how to allocate time on one or many activities. This skill enables you to complete tasks effectively and within the stipulated time.


  • Worked on multiple projects at the same time along with the completion of all the deadlines.
  • Structured their time so that the most important tasks were done before anything else.
  • Introduced enhanced scheduling system to increase general productivity of the teams.

5. Adaptability

Flexibility on the other hand can be defined as the capacity of an individual to conform to the new conditions and changes in the work environment. Such a skill is highly useful in the current world that is characterized by constant dynamism in the workplace.


  • Successfully learnt a new software system and was able to orient other staff members on its use.
  • Managed to adapt to working from home during the pandemic without compromising efficiency.
  • Implemented changes in the scope of the projects and made relevant alterations to the plans.

6. Leadership

Leadership is a process of directing individuals towards the accomplishment of a certain task. This entails decision making, assignment delegation, guidance and support.


  • Directed a project with a team of five members with success in terms of time and cost.
  • Supervised junior team members and advised on their career paths.
  • Structured group enhancement exercises that enhanced the feel and cooperation among the employees.

7. Creativity

Innovation is the capacity to think beyond conventional practices and approach problem solving in a unique manner. It is critical for changing situations and seeking innovative solutions to problems.


  • Came up with the new marketing plan that will enhance the exposure of the brand.
  • Developed a new procedure that would enhance efficiency and cut costs.
  • Developed a unique strategy to a problem that no one else had thought to look at.

8. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to monitor and regulate one’s own feelings and those of others. This skill is essential for developing interpersonal relations and managing conflict situations.


  • Observed that the members of the recognized team were stressed and offered assistance to help the team members in this aspect.
  • Self-regulated own emotions while handling stressful and sensitive circumstances to create an impression of professionalism.
  • Resolved disputes involving employees in the team, which contributed to improved cooperation at the workplace.

9. Critical Thinking

Cognitive skills refer to the capability to evaluate information critically and make informed decisions. This skill is important in decision making processes and problem solving.


  • Conducted data analysis to determine patterns for the implementation of business propositions.
  • Considered the advantages and drawbacks of various solutions before reaching a conclusion.
  • Applied pertinent problem solving skills in analyzing and solving technical problems.

10. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills refer to the ability to communicate with people in an appropriate manner. Empathy, patience, the ability to establish and develop relationships can be a part of this skill.


  • Established good business relations with clients that made them come back for more business.
  • Was polite and tolerant when handling rude customers and clients.
  • Promoted effective organizational communication and paid attention to other employees.

Examples of Best Soft Skills for Resume for Top 10 Careers

As we discussed the top soft skills for the year 2024, we should consider how these skills relate to specific occupations. Here, we have outlined over 90 soft skills that can be applied in different occupations. Make sure to incorporate these examples while writing your resume when applying for a specific job.

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1. Customer Service

Customer service jobs entail work with many people since you will be dealing with customers most of the time. It is imperative to adapt personality skills such as communication, understanding, and decisiveness to ensure that customers are satisfied.

Build Resume For Customer Services


  • Communication: Introducing the content in an easily understandable manner to the customers.
  • Listening Skills: Customer requirement and appreciation.
  • Self-Control: Maintaining a level head and not losing control in a high-pressure environment.
  • Positive Attitude: Starting those interactions with a positive attitude and energy.
  • Conflict Resolution: Handling and managing customers’ complaints appropriately.
  • Empathy: The need to appreciate the different feelings and views of customers.
  • Patience: Dealing with customers and their concerns in a composed manner.
  • Dependability: Offering uninterrupted and consistent service delivery.
  • Flexibility: Flexibility in response to various customers and conditions.
  • Attention to Detail: Maintaining customer order and information integrity.

2. Healthcare

Soft skills are as relevant as medical knowledge in the field of healthcare. Employees should be able to perform their duties under pressure, communicate with patients and other workers, and be kind-hearted.


  • Work Ethic: Evidencing good patient care.
  • Stress Management: Managing the workload implications and challenges while maintaining the quality of work.
  • Teamwork: Working with other healthcare workers in order to offer optimal patient care.
  • Empathy: Learning about patients’ emotions and how to meet their needs.
  • Attention to Detail: Promoting patients’ record integrity and adherence to their medical plan of care.
  • Patience: Spending quality time in the treatment of patients.
  • Adaptability: Adapting to changes in general practices and health care delivery models.
  • Communication: Ensuring that medical information is well understood by patients and families.
  • Problem-Solving: Handling of emergent situations in the treatment of patients.
  • Resilience: Emotional intelligence and managing emotions in health care work.

3. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing involves a combination of art, science and flexibility. One needs to be adaptable, able to work in team, and possess good communication and learning skills to survive in this rapidly evolving industry.

Build Resume For A Digital Marketer


  • Curiosity: These include maintaining awareness of the current trends and practices in the industry.
  • Tenacity: Continuing with an activity even when confronted with difficulties and failure.
  • Willingness to Learn: Keeping one’s knowledge and skills up-to-date all the time.
  • Multitasking: Coordinating various campaigns and projects at the same time.
  • Creativity: Creating new marketing concepts, ideas, and designs.
  • Analytical Thinking: Using statistical information to make appropriate marketing strategies.
  • Flexibility: Exercising flexibility in response to market dynamics and plans.
  • Communication: Communicating with clients and other members of the team.
  • Problem-Solving: Solving marketing problems.
  • Organization: Managing many tasks and due dates.

4. Management

Management positions call for good leadership and communication skills. As a manager, you will be expected to encourage subordinates, direct, mediate, and ensure that the best decisions are made for the company.

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  • Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence and how to control your own emotions and the emotions of others around you.
  • Stress Management: Managing the challenges of leadership with decorum.
  • Motivation: Motivating your team to give their best best.
  • Task Delegation: Proper delegation and allocation of tasks for efficient work.
  • Negotiation: Negotiation and conflict resolution in business communication.
  • Decision-Making: Taking informed decisions that are in the best interest of the organisation.
  • Conflict Resolution: Conflict solving and management in the team.
  • Leadership: Coaching and counseling the team members in order to accomplish organizational objectives.
  • Adaptability: Managing change in the business environment.
  • Time Management: Managing multiple tasks successfully.

5. Education

It will also require the teachers to be good communicators, tolerant and able to adjust to students with different learning capacities. Teaching and interpersonal skills such as being understanding, analytical, and the ability to mediate are important when dealing with students.

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  • Written and Oral Communication: Making abstract ideas comprehensible to students.
  • Public Speaking: Ensuring the lessons are both fun and educational.
  • Patience: Recognizing that students have different learning abilities and rates.
  • Critical Thinking: Promoting critical thinking and creativity in the student.
  • Enthusiasm: Giving it your best and enthusiasm in your approach to teaching.
  • Adaptability: Teaching to accommodate different learning styles.
  • Empathy: Knowing and identifying learners’ concerns and issues.
  • Conflict Resolution: Dealing with conflicts between students or with parents.
  • Time Management: Time management when planning for lessons and teaching in the classroom.
  • Creativity: Inventing new methodologies and instructional resources.

6. Sales

Sales people require to be convincing, assertive and sensitive. Assets such as communication skills, negotiation skills, and problem-solving skills are crucial in sealing deals and developing customer relations.


  • Public Speaking: Selling products or services to prospective customers.
  • Negotiation: Achieving win-win outcomes with customers.
  • Persuasion: Persuading the customers to buy the products.
  • Sociability: Establishing trust with clients and co-workers.
  • Empathy: Identifying its customers’ requirements and expectations.
  • Resilience: Dealing with rejection or failures in sales.
  • Adaptability: Changing sales strategies to fit the new market conditions.
  • Problem-Solving: Handling objections and making the sale.
  • Confidence: Having faith in a product and passing on the faith to the customers.
  • Time Management: Maximizing the quality of leads and ensuring the appropriate management of selling tasks.

7. Design

Designers require creativity, precision, and adequate language skills when implementing ideas. All these soft skills are crucial, no matter if you are working on graphic design, web design, or any product design project.


  • Visual Communication: Communicating concepts visually.
  • Creativity: Designing solutions that are distinctive and creative.
  • Active Listening: Identifying client needs and concerns.
  • Attention to Detail: Making sure that every part of a design is as fine tuned as possible.
  • Patience: Repetition of designs until the right results have been achieved.
  • Adaptability: Making changes in response to feedback and in response to changes in the design requirements of a project.
  • Collaboration: Cooperating with customers and colleagues to ensure the goals of the project are met.
  • Problem-Solving: Creative ways of addressing the design challenges.
  • Time Management: Balancing between the set deadlines and producing works that are of high quality.
  • Open-Mindedness: Open-mindedness about new plans and designs from different designers.

8. Accounting

Accounting involves a certain level of accuracy, organization and analytical skills in order to solve certain problems. Interpersonal skills such as communication and problem solving skills are also essential for engaging with friends, employees or customers.


  • Effective Communication: Presenting complex financial information in a manner that is easily understandable by clients and other employees.
  • Organization: Co-ordination of many accounts and meeting deadlines.
  • Attention to Detail: Safeguarding of assets and records.
  • Problem-Solving: Solving problems related to financial irregularities or problems.
  • Time Management: Meeting deadlines with performance not being compromised.
  • Analytical Thinking: Defining and interpreting financial information for decision making.
  • Integrity: Adhering to the highest principles of ethical behavior throughout the processes of financial management.
  • Adaptability: Adapting to new financial regulations and practices.
  • Collaboration: Cooperating with other departments in achieving financial objectives.
  • Discretion: Being able to maintain the privacy of sensitive financial information.

9. Business Analytics

Technical skills are a must for business analysts along with good analytical skills and well-developed communication skills. Strategic thinking, collaboration and decision-making as some of the essential interpersonal skills required in the process of transforming data into information.


  • Strategic Thinking: Using information to solve various business problems.
  • Team Building: Working with the other departments in order to accomplish the same objectives.
  • Presentation Skills: Inability to communicate the findings and the recommendations made.
  • Quality Client Service: Managing client needs and expectations.
  • Problem-Solving: The discovery and resolution of business issues.
  • Attention to Detail: Maintaining factual correctness especially when analyzing as well as reporting findings.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility in the use of analysis techniques in response to the dynamic business environment.
  • Communication: Translating dense analytical conclusions into easily digestible concepts.
  • Leadership: Advising teams on how to apply data solutions effectively.
  • Time Management: Time management when working on several projects at the same time.

10. Web Development

Web developers require problem solving skills and should be able to work in a group and communicate effectively. Thus, technical competencies are valuable, but other traits such as responsiveness and punctuality may also be needed to meet tight deadlines.

Build Resume For Web Developer


  • Active Listening: Client needs and feedback.
  • Creativity: Creating effective strategies for solving technical problems.
  • Accountability: Accepting accountability for the quality of work being produced by you.
  • Open-Mindedness: Being open-minded to new suggestion and strategies.
  • Time Management: Meeting project deadlines while maintaining quality.
  • Problem-Solving: Testing and resolving problems with the code.
  • Collaboration: Collaborating with designers, writers and other developers.
  • Adaptability: Adaptation to new technologies and continuously changing project conditions.
  • Attention to Detail: Examining code for quality, readability, optimization, and lack of bugs.
  • Communication: Communicating complex technical information to other business units or departments.

Explore More :- Top Computer Skills [With Example]

How to Develop Your Soft Skills

If you would like to develop your soft skills, there are some tips that can be followed. Here are some tips for developing your soft skills:

1. Seek Feedback

Consult with co-workers, managers, or trainers and inquire how you can improve in your interpersonal communications. It allows receiving feedback and understanding which aspects are worth paying attention to or need improvement.

2. Practice Active Listening

Being an active listener entails paying attention to the speaker’s content, appreciating the information being conveyed, and then, reacting appropriately. Start practicing active listening in your daily interactions to enhance your communication and interpersonal abilities.

3. Participate in Team Activities

Learn practical collaboration and teamwork skills by participating in teaming activities at work and in your free time. These skills can be further practiced during group assignments in school, sports teams or volunteering.

4. Take Courses and Workshops

It will also be useful to take the courses or workshops aimed at developing interpersonal skills. Numerous training courses involve communication, leadership, and emotional skills are provided by different organizations.

5. Reflect on Your Experiences

Look back on your experiences and think about instances when you applied your soft skills to your work. Think about what you did well and what you could do better in the future and use it to learn and progress.

Art Of Listing Soft Skills On Resume

Finally, now that you have a list of soft skills for resume, the next step is to properly present them in your resume. Here’s how you can do that:

1. Adapt Soft Skills to the Position

One thing to note especially when listing the soft skills is that you should always match them to the particular position you are applying. Re-read the job description and identify the skills that would be useful when performing the job. This tells the employers that you possess the qualities they are looking for in an employee.

For instance, if you are seeking a job as a sales manager, you may want to focus on leadership skills, communication, and goal-directedness.

2. Support These Soft Skills By Other Sections

Mentioning soft skills is not sufficient; you need to prove that you have such characteristics. Provide how you have applied these attributes in your past work experience, achievements or other parts of the resume.

For example, when giving an example of a critical thinking accomplishment, you may write about how you were able to define a problem and solve it.

3. Employing Transferable Skills When Changing Careers

Finally, if you are switching careers, emphasize your skills that are applicable in the new field you are entering.” Soft skills are those that are not limited to a specific career or industry, for example, interpersonal skills, collaboration, and critical thinking.

With these skills highlighted, one can demonstrate that they have the basic requirements for a new job even if they lack prior experience in the area.


Soft skills are very important qualities in any working environment. They build upon your technical skills and improve your interpersonal, problem-solving, and adaptability skills. Knowing and nurturing desirable soft skills in 2024 can help you stand out as a candidate when competing for your ideal position.

Always make sure that the best skills for resume relate to a specific position, provide examples, and use transferrable skills in case of career change. With these strategies, you will be prepared for a successful and fulfilling career in 2024 and even further.


In what way are soft skills important for career advancement?

Soft skills are crucial when it comes to advancement in one’s career since they strengthen interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills, and flexibility. Employers value these skills since they result to improved performance and company success in the long-run.

What is the difference between soft and hard skills?

Soft skills are personal attributes that affect how you work with others, whereas hard skills are specific talents or career-oriented skills. While both types of skills are essential, soft skills are usually more influential when it comes to career success.

Which 10 soft skills are valued by recruiters?

The most valued soft skills that make employees stand out to their recruiters are punctuality/time management, communication, flexibility, critical thinking/decision-making, collaboration, innovation, and management, interpersonal, diligence, and precision.

What is the difference between soft skills and hard skills?

Soft skills are interpersonal skills or personal attributes that are not directly related to an individual’s job description, for instance, communication skills. Technical skills acquired through learning or training are referred to as hard skills; examples include programming or statistics.