resume vs cv

CV vs Resume

CV and resume are often used interchangeably and resume vs cv is an unending debate. But have you ever wondered why some job openings specifically ask for a CV or a resume when there are no apparent differences between the both? 

That’s because CV and resume are quite dissimilar from one another, but not everyone is perfectly aware of their differences. 

So we decided to put an end to this dilemma through this article. In this guide, you will learn about the following things:

  • Definition of a CV
  • Definition of a Resume
  • The Difference Between Resume and CV 
  • The Similarities Between CV and Resume
  • Which Document is Suitable for What Occasion?
  • What to Include in Your CV?
  • What to Include in Your Resume
  • Tips on Writing a Good CV and a Resume
  • Dos and Don’ts of Writing a CV and a Resume

So let’s get started without any further ado!

What is a CV? 

A CV is an acronym for Curriculum Vitae. It is a lengthy document that mentions the details of your education, certificates, awards, scholarships, grants, academic publications, special honors, and career history. 

It further includes professional references and your personal hobbies and interests. You might as well mention the description of your fieldwork, coursework, and research dissertations. A CV should also be able to convey your positive attributes to the viewer. 

Ideally, CVs are designed in chronological order. You start with your education and end it with your most recent professional experience. A CV meaning Curriculum Vitae, is intended to give an in-depth description of your educational and career history. 


Moving on, let’s talk about the definition of a resume. 

What is a Resume?

A resume meaning can be considered as a summarized version of your CV. It mentions an overview of your career and professional experience. You should include your volunteer work and other associations related to your profession. It should also have your objectives and long-term goals. 

A resume is also designed in chronological order. But unlike a CV, you start by listing your most recent professional experience and end it with your education. 

A resume begins with the educational achievements of freshly graduated individuals and includes internships or apprenticeships, if any. 

Now, let’s highlight the key differences between a resume and a CV. 


Resume Vs CV

Content A resume should have very brief content. There is no need to detail your educational and professional experiences. In a resume, you only have to touch on the key points without unnecessarily going into the depth. It is essential to highlight your relevant job experience in your resume. 

Whereas a CV should be thorough and well-detailed. It should not be superficial and should be able to discuss every aspect of your education and career in detail. A CV should include your skills and interests. 

  • Length 

Since a resume is precise and does not require elaboration, it should be concise. Typically, a good resume is considered to be only one page long. But in some cases, it can extend to up to two pages at the most. 

On the other hand, A CV can be quite lengthy if you have vast professional experience and extensive educational background. CVs can range from one page to around three to four pages. 

Going beyond that length is not recommended since it may cause the employer to lose interest, and they may not even read it till the end. 

  • Experience Type 

CVs are typically used by individuals pursuing academic positions.

For instance, writing a CV might be a better choice for you if you are applying for the job of a researcher or professor in an educational institution. 

While a resume is better for applying for jobs in the corporate world as it is specific. 

  • Customizable

A CV is non-customizable, but a resume can be customized. As a CV is an overview of your educational and professional background, you can keep adding further information during your career to keep it up-to-date. 

But it remains static, and the content inside cannot be altered. 

The case with resumes is quite the opposite. You can make changes to it to ensure that it resonates with the job you are applying for. You should add or highlight the required skills in your resume before applying for a specific job. 

  • Location

The debate of CV vs resume significantly differs from location to location. In India, Australia, and the South African region, CV and resume are used interchangeably. 

These countries do not differentiate between these two documents. 

But in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and some European countries, the term ‘resume’ does not exist. 

They refer to both documents as CVs. Then again, in the United States of America, CV and resume have very separate meanings and are used for different occasions. 


The Similarities between CV and Resume

Both the documents provide an overview of your professional skills and educational background.

The purpose of a CV and a resume is to land you a good job. Hence, both documents are essential when applying for a new job.

CV and resume serve an advertisement purpose for your career. They promote your skills and positive attributes to make you stand out from other candidates applying for the same job. 

Both documents are a summary of your achievements and accomplishments. They play a commendable role in delivering a solid first impression to the employer. A good CV or resume can land you a great job as they reflect your talent and expertise.


When Should I Use Which ?

The following factors can help you determine which document is more suitable in what type of situation:

The Type of Job

As mentioned above, a CV is a more suitable document for academic-related jobs. So if you are applying for the position of an educator, a tutor, or a professor, you should use your CV as it is more valuable then.

But if the job opening is not related to academics, you should use your resume instead. You should also customize your resume and add specific skills that might be fruitful for the job you are applying to. 

The Origin of the Hiring Company

Since the use of these two documents varies from region to region, it is important to consider the roots of the hiring company before sending in your job application. 

If the company is USA-based, you should look into what the employer has asked for. Send in your CV if that is what’s required and vice versa. 

But if you are applying to a European country, you could just send your CV as they do not distinguish between a CV and a resume. For Asian countries, you can use either of these documents as they use both these terms interchangeably, so it won’t make much difference!

The Requirements 

Lastly, look at the requirements posted by the employer. If you send in your document without verifying if this is what the company requires, you automatically lose the chances of getting shortlisted.

So, pay attention to detail and send in what is needed instead of making your own decision. 


What to Include in Your CV?

This section might have you wondering why we are going over it again when we have already covered this part in the section describing the difference between a resume and a CV. 

Here, we would like to explain this in more detail! 

Listed below is everything that should be included in your Curriculum Vitae, i.e., your CV:

  • Your Name
  • Your Contact Information, i.e., cellphone number
  • Your Address
  • Your Email Address
  • Your Skills
  • Your Educational Background
  • Your Professional Experience 
  • Your Professional Licenses or Associations
  • Your Career Achievements 
  • Your Publications (if any)


What to Include in Your Resume?

And here is everything that you must include in your resume to make it outstanding and competitive: 

Your Name 

It is advised to use your name as the title of your resume. This helps employers in identifying you and your contact information.

Your Contact Information 

Your contact information should be in the following order: Address, Cell No., email ID.

The Resume Objective or Summary 

The objective or summary of a resume is a one or two-liner that should briefly introduce and precisely describe why you are a suitable fit for the job you are applying to. The resume summary should be changed whenever applying for a new job. 

Your Education 

Start with your early education and continue from there. It would be best if you mentioned the name of the institution, the year you passed out, and the program you were enrolled in, i.e., the name of your degree. You can also include your GPA if it is above 3.4.

Professional History 

Here, list down all your past experiences relevant to the job you are currently applying to. You can count the last 10 to 15 years when doing so. Don’t forget to mention your achievements and accomplishments in those former workplaces!

Although if you have no job experience in this particular field, you should mention other employment experiences that you might have.

Related Skills and Achievements

This section of your resume should include your technical, hard, and soft skills. You should also add any certifications or achievements you may have acquired related to this work field. Remember always to customize your skills to make sure they are by the job requirement.

Relevant Accomplishments or Volunteer Work

Do you want your potential employer to create a positive image of you? It is time to end your resume with your previous accomplishments and volunteer work that you might have done related to the job you are applying for. 

Now, let’s enlighten you with some tips for writing the perfect resume or CV: 


Tips for Writing a Resume or CV

Keep it concise and direct

This is one of the most critical factors that make a resume or CV impressive. No one wants to go through paragraphs of text that could be delivered in three to four lines. If you want your employer to go through your resume thoroughly, you should make it short and exciting. 

Look at templates 

Going through various templates for CVs and resumes can be a helpful guide to designing your own CV or resume. It can give you an idea about what to include and what to leave out. It would also help you create a more professional-looking document that may catch your potential employer’s eye. 

Always mention multiple skills and experiences

No one wishes to hire an employee who does not have the relevant skills and experience. Hence, always add as many relevant skills to your resume as you can to design a strong and worthy document. 

If you are inexperienced in the job you are applying for, that’s also okay. But to capture the employer’s attention, you should sound smart and confident in your resume or CV. 

Mention whatever work experience you might have and highlight the value you brought to that previous company. The employer should get the impression that you have the will to learn! 

Use metrics to demonstrate results

Do not just write about your accomplishments. Instead, use numbers and metrics to make it more prominent and authentic. Make sure to quantify your success; otherwise, you will only give out the impression of bluffing.

Make your objective statement catchier

In today’s fast-moving world, no one has enough time to spare to read your entire resume to find out about your skills and expertise. Hence, it is vital to highlight the best bits about you in your objective statement, which is the first thing the recruiter reads. Also, try to make it interesting if you want the employer to read your document thoroughly. 

Optimize your content 

Sending in a generalized document will get you nowhere. Show that you have done your research and have thoroughly gone through the job requirements. Mention as many keywords as you can in your resume to impress the employer. It is a proven method to get the employer’s attention, and you may even get yourself an interview!

Highlight the results of your job duties

While your work experience is also necessary, what counts the most is what you managed to achieve. Don’t tell them what you were assigned to do. Tell them the results that came out of your assigned duties! 

Use strong action words

Use the correct language to steal the limelight from other candidates. Avoid using generalized words and use words that deliver a solid impression. This will make you sound confident and assertive, which most employers appreciate. 

Add the links to your social media handles

It is common among recruiters in this digital age to screen the candidates by viewing their social media. Providing them with your social media handle will not just save them some time to find you on those platforms but will also deliver the impression that you have got nothing to hide! 

Proofread to spot errors 

It is common to make errors while writing your resume or CV, but eliminate them before sending the document. Use tools such as Grammarly to get rid of all grammatical errors and deliver a spot-on resume or CV! 

Are you a fresher and want to know how to design your resume? This is step to step guide and contains all that is necessary for building a resume with no experience. Click here….


Dos and Don’ts of Writing a CV or Resume

  • Only mention the facts. 
  • Don’t use incorrect information in your CV and resume, as they might tarnish your image forever. 
  • Keep the format consistent and make sure the content is easy to read and understand. 
  • Don’t blabber. Keep the statements concise. 
  • Only focus on the brighter side. 
  • Give a genuine reason for leaving your last job.
  • Don’t forget to update your CV and resume from time to time. 
  • Don’t share unnecessary details about yourself.
  • Avoid including your salary expectations if it is not part of the job requirement. Let the employer come to this topic themselves. 

Learn more about characteristics of a good resume here….


The foundation of finding a good job is a polished resume. Hence, it is crucial to keep up with the updates and developments to produce a well-designed resume or CV to impress the employers. Now that you know the critical differences between a resume and a CV, you can set out on a job hunt with higher chances of landing your dream job! 

If you are looking for an expert CV writing agency that can help you create a super-impressive portfolio, we are here to make it possible for you. We have a team of professionals with years of experience, knowledge, and assess to resources to get you the best results. Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements.