A good cover letter

How to make Strong Resume (Step by step guide)

Your resume is basically the first contact between you and potential employers, when you’re looking for a new job. A powerful resume helps you to make a good first impression in front of employers. This article will help you to make your resume powerful and will help you to put your potential forward. Here are a few ways that will help you to do so:

1.) First and foremost, some important information:

Put the important details first in your resume to make it eye-catching. A description of the important details should be easier to see and locate. To do this, you can put your important details at the top of the resume because you have just less than a minute to attract your recruiter’s attention.

2.) Keep it Simple and precise:

Keep your resume Simple and precise. A clear and concise resume attracts more attention than a lengthy paragraph. You need to be more specific instead of providing excess information.  A compact resume is much more captivating than a lengthy paragraph.

3.) Achievements and skills:

In your resume, list your skills first, followed by a description of your accomplishments using those skills. For example; if you know ‘‘language acquisition in coding’’ than you need to describe your software accomplishments. You can also add your specialization in computer coding languages like HTML, C, RUBY, and how that helped you with software development

4.) Active language:

Instead of writing long paragraphs or lines, use active phrases. For example, instead of writing “I am good at marketing,” write “good marketing skills.”

5.) Separate columns:

Make separate columns with distinct names for each thing. For example, you can make one row for your hobbies and interests and another for your skills, acknowledgements, awards, and honours. 

6.) Awards and honors:

Awards and honours play an important role in your resume if you don’t have any experience, and it adds much more to the experienced person. If you have just graduated, then you can use this point to enhance or highlight your resume. Just add what you have achieved while you were studying. You can also add the societies and clubs you were part of at your college. Don’t forget to add the scholarships you have gotten while studying.

7.) Education:

Institutions and grades are also important while applying for a job, especially if you’re a fresher. You can add your GPA to make it impressive.

8.) Experience:

Having experience is a plus point while looking for a job. Experience adds to your personality. While giving details for this column, describe the name of the company you have worked for. You can also write the name of the employer. Write down the time period of experience. If you are still working for a company while applying for a new job, then mention your current place and job. Don’t be afraid of this if you are a fresher and you have no experience. You can add your academic awards and extra-curricular activities and the information about your relevant coursework.

9.) Providing specific details:

You must tailor your resume to the position you are applying for. You should describe your job’s relevant skills. For example, if you are applying for the post of a manager, then you need to describe your managing skills more profoundly than other skills. And if you are applying for the post of a cook, then describe how you enjoy cooking and why you are fit for that position.

10.) Don’t exaggerate and rush:

You must not exaggerate anything you write in your resume. Just be honest with what you write and think before you write. Take your time to write it properly and don’t rush it.

11.) Proofreading:

Don’t forget to proofread your resume just like a student proofreads his assignment before submitting it to the teacher. Because mistakes provide a bad impression. By proofreading, you’ll be able to detect minor or major errors. 

Hence, these are some tactics through which you’ll be able to create a Strong resume. Don’t forget to work on your communication skills too. To summarize, build a resume that highlights your achievements, skills, awards, interests, and why you’re suitable for the job you are applying for. A strong resume is something that will put your best foot forward to get you the employment you’ve been craving for a long time.

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