15 Worst Resume Mistakes to avoid

You might be the applicant who looks like a great fit on paper, but you can’t reach the employers to discuss the position. If you’re sending out a lot of applications to companies and getting nothing back, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ll tell you the worst Resume Mistakes to avoid while writing a resume. 

  1. Grammatical and spelling errors: This is a common mistake in resume writing. After you have completed the resume, just read it again to detect the errors. A minor spelling error can be the reason for your not being selected. 
  2. Doing exaggeration: It’s great that you are confident, but don’t be overconfident and write about something that you don’t know. For example, if you only know about HTML, then simply write that you have knowledge of this computer language instead of saying that you are an expert in it. 
  3. Sending a single resume: Do not send a single resume to each company. Be more specific about the details mentioned. You need to tell the employers why you fit into the position of the specific organization. Rather than a generic resume, which is vague and sent out to a limited number of companies, employers want to see applicants tailor their resume to the job description.
  4. Improper formatting:  Make your resume look professional. It must be attractive.
  5. Emphasizing skills over achievements: The employer is interested in how you can apply your previous experience to his company. So instead of writing “worked as an electrician,” you can write “have fixed the electrical appliances of 500+ houses.” You have to relate the skills you have to your achievements. If you are a product manager, then you can write, “I have been working as a product manager for the last 2 years and have attracted more than 250 investors.”
  6. Writing too long or too short: Don’t write a very long paragraph, and don’t write a very short one, because they both play a significant role in the formation of your good impression. Focus on the quality of the resume.
  7. Imperfect description: Do not write a bad summary of yourself when describing yourself. Do not write, “I am hard-working; I am a volunteer at an NGO, etc.” Instead, write it in a more profound manner, like, “an accomplished NGO volunteer who has worked on more than 100 campaigns.”
  8. No action verbs: Instead of displaying your actions, display what you acted on. For example, if you’ve worked as a marketing director, then you can write, “I developed a comprehensive marketing plan for the company which will attract more investors and newcomers.” 
  9. Omitting important information: Do not rush when writing your resume because it represents your public image. Writing a resume, consider the merits of a good resume builder. 
  10.  Visually appears to gush: The resume should not be overly busy visually. A simple resume is much more attractive than a lengthy gushy paragraph. A professional resume maker always focuses on the quality of the resume rather than quantity.
  11. Wrong contact information: Because most people are focused on the main content rather than the minor details, they may provide incorrect contact information. Because of this wrong contact information, the employers are unable to reach them even if they are selected. 
  12. Resume Templates: it’s fine to use a resume template in order to make your resume but don’t forget to double-check it, in case you forget to change something. You can refer to an online professional resume creator for this.
  13. Failing to include hobbies and interests: Including hobbies and interests gives you an advantage. Because this shows the employer your personal side and demonstrates some transferable skills.
  14. Inappropriate email address: Never include an inappropriate email address in your resume because it sends a negative message to the employer and may indicate that you are unprofessional. The email address should be formal. 
  15. Not proofreading your resume: Do not send your resume without first proofreading it. You can also get it checked by a professional resume maker. 

Therefore, these are plenty of tips to help you avoid common mistakes while writing a resume. To summarise, proofread your resume, be more specific, avoid small errors like grammatical and spelling errors and you might be the next person to get your dream job.