10 tips for resume building

Resume building is considered one of the most important elements when you are hunting for a job. A good resume is something that will help you get the job you have been craving for so long. If you are looking for some tips for building a good resume, then you are at the right spot. Here we will give you 10 tips for resume building:

  1. When writing a resume, try to use active verbs. Make your resume simple instead of using difficult words. A simple resume is much more attractive than a lengthy and mushy one.
  2.  Always double-check your contact information because if you type the wrong phone number on your resume, employers may be unable to contact you even if your resume is completely appropriate for the job.
  3. Don’t use an informal email ID because most of the resumes got rejected because of an informal email address.
  4. Always use the vocabulary related to the job description because most of the resumes get eliminated from the ATS (application tracking system) for not using the wording for the job description.
  5. Don’t use too many bullet points and don’t write long paragraphs while building your resume. Small paragraphs and a few bullet points are good to grab the attention of potential employers.
  6. Don’t show off while building a resume. Don’t write about something you don’t have knowledge of. You are throwing a stone at yourself by doing this. Only write the things you are good at. For example, if you know the basics of MS Office, then only write that you have knowledge of this instead of saying you are a pro at it.
  7. Include your job experience because it is something that will take you to a higher point than others. An experienced person is always preferable to one who has no experience at all. Try to relate your previous job experiences and skills to the one you are applying for. It will create a good impression and might lead to an interview.
  8. If you have no job experience, then don’t worry. You can include the volunteering you have done during your college days. Include the societies and clubs you were part of during your college days. Include any honours or awards you received while pursuing your education.
  9. Use sentences that quantify your achievements. 10. Instead of saying you worked as an electrician, you could say you installed appliances in over 400 homes.
  10. Don’t overwrite your resume, because no one wants to read a lengthy essay. Make your resume clear and concise because it grabs the attention of potential employers.

Keep in mind the above things while building your resume; they will never let you slack off. To know more about resume building, click here….