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Fast And Easy Online Resume Help

The job search process can be a tough one. Besides knowing clearly what you want to apply for, your first order of business should be to get a resume in order. A well-crafted resume in today’s competitive job market could land you the job of your dreams. The common challenges people face when creating resumes include lack of time, confusion about what to add/not to add, difficulty finding the right words, and simply not knowing how to stand out.

The solution to all these problems is simple – a fast and easy online resume builder! An online resume help provider/ resume builder like ours at MyResumeStar allows you to create outstanding resumes with professional templates and expert-curated content. Here is how it can help you!

Why Invest in A Strong Resume?

A strong resume can provide you with plenty of opportunities to score a job that pays well, one that you enjoy, and one where you can display your best attributes. A resume is essentially you on paper. It gives the hiring manager a rundown of all you have accomplished and all you can accomplish if they choose to give you the position. But what makes a good resume?

A good resume will provide details of your professional summary, work history, skills (soft skills and hard skills), awards or anecdotes you have received, education, or similar accomplishments that have helped you rise in your career.

On the other hand, a poor resume will create a poor first impression on the hiring manager. Know that the manager will only briefly browse over your resume. If it doesn’t hook them at first look, it will go into the dumpster.

The best rule of thumb is to create a fully tailored resume every time you apply for a new position. Each role may prioritize different skill sets or want to see experience in a certain scenario. However, tailoring a resume each timecan prove to be cumbersome. The best solution is to rely on an automated resume builder or resume help service.

Benefits of Using A Resume Builder

An online resume builder can help you quickly prepare your resume for each new position you apply for instead of creating your document by hand. Here is why an online resume builder makes all the difference!

Tailored Results

An online resume builder is an automated machine, so you won’t have to spend time toiling around with your resume on a word processor. It does all the work for you. All you have to do is add in your information, and the builder formulates a tailored resume for you. Resume builders are further designed with the latest resume trends in mind so that your resume has a higher chance of standing out while meeting the extremely specific requirements of the role you wish to apply for.

The best part is that resume builders only provide an initial template; you can use their interface to tweak the template to your liking.

Save Time

One of the major benefits of using a resume builder is the time it will save you. A tailored resume has a higher chance of getting noticed by the hiring manager. Essentially, you want to use different keywords, highlight specific skills, and describe how you used them to create optimal results at work. This should be done for every position you apply for. It is a lot of work, but this is where an online resume builder steps in. It will allow you to quickly make a personalized resume and save time, which you can then put into searching for new openings and preparing for your interviews/tests.

Useful Prompts

Resume builders available online will usually provide you with a list of useful prompts and suggestions that you can use to fill in the details of your resume. All you have to indicate is the position or role you wish to apply for. This will allow you to highlight your unique skills and experiences as quickly as possible in a professional, resume-friendly format. Such optimized resumes are also sure to impress your hiring manager.

Optimized Resume

Using an online resume builder has another incredible benefit. It allows you to optimize your resume to make it easier to get identified by automated applicant tracking systems (ATS). Such systems look for specific keywords or experience listed within the resume, simplifying the hiring manager’s job. If your resume is not optimized for ATS, even if you do have the necessary experience, you may not be selected. Your resume might not even pass the initial screening process. Optimizing for ATS is an additional benefit an online resume builder will provide you.

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Fast and Easy Online Resume Builder

MyResumeStar resume builder is a convenient and easy-to-use interactive resume builder that allows you to instantly create an up-to-date resume each time. It allows you to quickly browse through an extensive range of templates and prompts to custom-design your very own resume. The best part is that this is a free resume help service. This way, you can speed up your job application process and boost your chances of getting the job of your dreams.

How to Get Started?

Here is how to get help with your resume.

Upload Resume

At the very start, you can indicate your years of experience. Experienced workers are expected to have a more detailed resume, whereas those without experience can make a presentable resume, too. Letting the builder know where you stand will allow it to give more tailored prompts.

You can further choose to either import your resume and tweak it using the software or create a new one from scratch. If you upload your resume, the application will scan it and apply your selected template to it. If not, you can continue with choosing your template.

Choose Template

Browse the wide selection of resume templates the resume builder offers to find the one best suited for your position. Here, you may want to think of the position you are applying for. Creative roles won’t mind a colorful, more creative resume, but technical roles may demand a more minimalist resume with fewer graphic elements.

It is important to note that each professional template can be tailored further on. You can change the template later on if you don’t like the final look. What you need to note here is that the resume builder offers unmatched flexibility.

Add Content to Resume Sections

Now that you have selected your template, you must fill in the information. The resume builder will have you fill out five key sections of the resume. These five sections are considered vital for any professional resume and cannot be skipped.

  1. Contact: Start by adding your key contact information, including your full name, city, state, contact number, and email address. Make sure that all information is filled out correctly and that you use a professional email.
  2. Work Experience: Next, you must add your work experience. Remember, you should enlist your work experience in reverse chronological order. This means you should enlist your current position at the very top so you highlight the most recent, relevant experience. This is what the hiring manager will be interested in.
  3. Education: Like your work experience, you should enlist your degrees in reverse chronological order, placing the most recent degrees at the top. The information you should add here includes your institution, degree name, your major, the year you graduated, etc. You may also add your GPA if it is relevant to the role.
  4. Resume Skills: When adding skills, the resume builder will provide you with a list of prompts you can add. These are automatically generated using your job title. You can select the ones you wish to see on your resume or draw inspiration from them to add your own!
  5. Summary: Finally, you must use all the information you have added thus far to create a professional summary, usually added at the very top of your resume. This summary is somewhat of a sales pitch you must use to sell yourself to the employee. Think, ‘What makes you different?’ ‘What makes you worth hiring?’.

In addition to the information listed here, you can add additional sections to enhance the resume, including your portfolio, references, certifications, and anecdotes.


With the information filled in, you can now choose to format your resume’s graphical elements and layout. This includes the font, font size, line spacing, indentation, top and bottom margins, section size, etc. Once you are happy with your resume’s final look, you can export it.


Before you export your perfect resume, you still have the option of playing around with different templates to find the best fit for your needs.

MyResumeStar allows you to quickly export your now finalized and fully tailored resume in three formats: PDF, Word Document, or Text File. You can choose whichever you like; however, a PDF is preferable as it will keep your design and formatting from skewering as is possible when you send regular Word documents. A PDF will preserve the appearance of your final resume regardless of wherever you place it.

Why Our Resume Writing Service Is The Best?

MyResumeStar is one the leading online resume help services worldwide. Here is what makes our resume builder the best choice for you!

Easy Customization

Our resume builder allows you to quickly craft and customize a resume that best fits your needs. You can customize your resume through our comprehensive set of tools. Besides resume assistance, we also provide cover letter builders and resume optimizing services so you can save your time (and effort) and simplify the job application process.

Rich Templates

All the resume templates provided are professionally curated by experienced graphic designers with elegant, resume-worthy themes, office fonts, and expert formatting. You will find templates befitting any industry or job preferences, including healthcare, tech, government roles, clerks, etc. You can further customize these templates to your liking, but you will find it incredibly convenient to have a set of templates you can begin with.

ATS Friendly Prompts

MyResumeStar is committed to delivering high-quality services that meet your unique needs. This includes fully optimizing your resume so it has a better chance of getting picked by automated ATS software. You can further leverage our ATS-friendly prompts as you create each session individually for maximum impact.

User Friendly

One of the best parts of MyResumeStar is its unmatched user-friendliness. Each section of the resume builder is incredibly streamlined and has a mix of ready-to-use templates, auto-filling for ready-made resumes, and prompt suggestions for new resumes. All these do is help make it easier for you to create a top-quality application. Whether you are a first-time job seeker or an experienced applicant, you will love the website’s user-friendly interface.

Time Efficiency

The streamlined process, ready-made templates, and comprehensive tools all join together to help streamline the entire job application process, saving you loads of time while delivering you a professionally designed resume. Any help with the resume you seek, you can get on the website. You can then put your time toward seeking new job applications to apply for or preparing for your interview.

Success Stories

You should always rely on a resume builder with a community to show for it. MyResumeStar has a rich portfolio of past customer experiences. Their success stories will allow you to trust our services.

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Final Thoughts

An online resume builder can help you create a professional-looking, high-quality resume while helping you save precious time. But you need to hire the best resume writing service.

MyResumeStar is one of the leading online resume help providers. It allows you to create a fully tailored, powerful resume that you can use to apply for jobs. Our professional templates, ATS friendly prompts, user-friendly interface, and countless success stories set us apart from our competition. Whether you need an administrative assistant resume, a server resume, or a project manager resume, we have you covered.

Look no further for resume services near me and create your very own ATS friendly resume today with MyResumeStar!