teacher cover letter

Cover Letter For Teacher

Make sure you include a cover letter with your resume when you apply for teaching positions. Teachers seeking their first teaching employment should pay extra attention to this so that they may distinguish themselves from other applicants. You can stand out from the other applicants with a well-written, insightful teacher cover letter for a teaching post.

You should restate your academic and professional credentials in both your resume and cover letter when applying for a teaching post. In addition, they highlight your aspirations and passions. On top of that, they show your pedagogical stance and describe your motivation for becoming a teacher.

Things To Include in Your Cover Letter

While the specifics of a professional’s cover letter will differ based on their background and expertise, it is essential to provide the following information. If you want your cover letter to stand out to hiring managers, you need to know what they normally search for. If you want to wow hiring managers, use these points throughout your teacher cover letter:

Education Background

Highlighting your academic history helps demonstrate to hiring managers that you have finished the required coursework to thrive as an educator, even though the specific prerequisites to become a teacher can differ by state and position. In your preschool teacher cover letter, make sure to mention your highest degree and briefly go over any relevant additional education. As a new teacher, one of the best ways to show off your expertise is to talk about what you learned in school. Any other credentials you have as a teacher are likewise fair game.


Make use of your teacher cover letter as an opportunity to elaborate on your relevant work experience by outlining the main responsibilities of your current or past teaching positions. To showcase your qualities as a teacher, emphasize any honors you’ve achieved or accomplishments of which you are proud. Use figures, data, and facts to qualify or quantify your achievements if you can.

If you created an after-school tutoring program and saw an improvement in your pupils’ test scores, for instance, be sure to let hiring managers know how much. Throughout your elementary teacher cover letter, you can also mention any relevant internship or volunteer work you have done.

How You Fit the Role

Tell the hiring manager why you’re the perfect fit for the school and the position you’re applying for. Talk about your teaching principles and how they mesh with the school’s goals and image. If you want to increase your chances of getting employed, show the hiring manager how this position aligns with your professional education aspirations.

How to Write a Teacher Cover Letter

An elementary teacher cover letter has a few key points that should be considered throughout the writing, editing, and rewriting processes. To begin, a teacher cover letter is like a preview of your CV. Its purpose is to pique the reader’s interest and encourage them to learn more about you rather than merely restating the resume’s contents. Instead of presenting a formal rundown of your academic and professional credentials, a cover letter provides an opportunity to demonstrate your personality and teaching strengths. For example, a well-written letter whether it’s a special education teacher cover letter or a cover letter for a substitute teacher, should include the following elements.


The header should include all of your vital personal details, such as your full name, email address, phone number, and occasionally your actual address. Your teacher cover letter can stand out if you maintain the identical header design throughout.


Ensure that you date the letter according to the day you intend to submit your materials.


Include the whole formal address of the school you are applying to, as you would when addressing an envelope, in your application. You can show that you’re detail-oriented by including the recruiting manager’s phone number and email address.


Keep in mind that “Dear XYZ” is the standard opening for cover letters. A safe backup plan is to use “To Whom It May Concern” if you can’t discover a specific individual to address the letter.


Paragraphs outlining your most relevant qualifications and experience should make up the bulk of your teacher cover letter. You shouldn’t merely restate your resume here, but you should definitely mention your teaching experience, pertinent abilities, and educational philosophy. Let your personality, enthusiasm, and career aspirations shine through in these words.

Closing Remarks

Finally, in the last paragraph of your elementary teacher cover letter, you should briefly thank the reader, restate your interest in the position, and offer a quick summary of your qualifications. Be sure to include a reference to your résumé and list of references.


Include your real signature if possible. It won’t be an issue if you’re sending in a hard copy, but if you’re submitting your application electronically, you can add your signature using Adobe Acrobat.

Tips For Writing an Appealing Teacher Cover Letter

Use Succinct Language

Hiring managers read several cover letters each day for the same job, so sounding flowery and overly wordy won’t cut it. A great method to make a positive impression on hiring managers is to highlight your strongest abilities briefly and confidently. For this, read a lot of teacher cover letter examples before you start.

Review the Job Description Before Writing

Before applying for a teaching position, make sure you read the job description thoroughly to find out what qualifications the hiring manager is seeking. Jot down these abilities and think of ways to highlight them in your cover letter.

Suppose the position requires someone with expertise in teaching advanced physics. In that case, you may mention that you have a physics minor and five years of teaching experience in a range of math and science classes to appeal to the recruiting manager’s interests. If you include this important information in your letter, you can customize it to the hiring manager’s requirements.

Custom Edit for Each Position

If you’re applying to more than one teaching position simultaneously, make sure your preschool teacher cover letters reflect each position specifically. It is necessary to edit and re-edit your letters for each position, but it can be time-consuming. If your cover letter is intentionally unclear so that it can be used for more than one position, hiring managers will be able to tell, and you will be eliminated in no time. If you really want that job, take the time to personalize your cover letter for each position. You’ll be glad that you wrote your special education teacher cover letter differently than the cover letter for a substitute teacher.

Simple Outline

Create a brief outline before you start drafting the teacher cover letter. Think about the things you want to emphasize, such as your abilities, job history, academic successes, and other pertinent accomplishments. Put these specifics in a sensible sequence after that. Make sure you cover all the bases and don’t miss anything vital by referring back to your outline when you write your cover letter.

Outline Progress

Instead of stating that you helped your pupils achieve reading competency, demonstrate it by outlining the precise actions you did and highlighting pertinent evidence or statistics. Saying anything isn’t nearly as effective as this.


This cannot be stressed enough. Ensure that you proofread your preschool teacher cover letter numerous times after completing it. To further aid in the detection of possible mistakes, you can also use a third-party writing application like Grammarly. Have a reliable friend, relative, or coworker look over your teacher’s cover letter and give you some criticism before you send it in.

Sample of Teacher Cover Letter


Hiring Person’s Name

Address of School

City, State, and Zip Code of the School

Hiring Person’s Contact Info

Dear XYZ,

This letter is to formally convey my strong desire to be considered for the elementary school teaching post currently available in your school. I have fourth-grade student teaching experience in a metropolitan school system and graduated from ABC University. My enthusiasm for school engagement, background in classroom instruction, and philosophy of education make me an excellent choice for your school.

I understand that my time in the classroom is limited as an aspiring elementary school teacher. But I’ve discovered that no matter what, my dedication to teaching and enthusiasm for the field have only increased with each new encounter. Helping a student reach their potential or reaching out to one who wasn’t “getting the hang of it” is an experience that will never get old.

In my previous role as a teacher, I oversaw the English lessons of 24 students throughout the school year. Because of this, I had to come up with new ways of teaching, record every class, facilitate constructive group discussions, and help students who were struggling. Additionally, I have experience working as an institutional education coordinator, a position that allowed me to design engaging programs for visitors of all ages.

I want to support your school’s mission of involving the entire school community through my extracurricular activities. As a teacher, I have extensive expertise in integrating community service into lesson plans. During my time as a student teacher, I oversaw a fourth-grade unit on plants. As part of our service learning, we built a school garden and used the produce for lunches.

Please find attached my résumé for you to review. If given the chance, I would be happy to discuss this opportunity further and how it might benefit your institution. To reach out to me, please contact me at (321) XXX-XXX or email me at 321XXX@hotmail.com.

Warm Regards,

Your Name

Your Signature

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